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Baidu Veteran Joins WuXi NextCODE

Baidu Veteran Joins WuXi NextCODE

“Putting the genome to work to improve health and medicine is the biggest data opportunity in the years ahead,” said Gu. “WuXi NextCODE’s global platform for genomic data is leading the way in realizing this opportunity, and China is at the heart of this strategy.I am very excited to put my efforts to work building this platform in China and to develop and deliver the benefits of the genome to people everywhere.”

Gu was formerly Chief Information Officer for Baidu, the leading internet service provider and search engine in China. Before that, he was the group CIO of Alcatel-Lucent where he led global IT functions, including IT transformation, software development, enterprise cloud services and data management. He also served as a management consultant at Booz Allen Hamilton and PricewaterhouseCoopers. 

“Gu has played a key role in the growth of world-leading technology platforms and we are thrilled to have him leading the expansion of our data strategy in China,” said Mr. Hannes Smarason, CEO of WuXi NextCODE.

“Our aim is ambitious: to enable patients and consumers across China not only to benefit from their own genomic data but also empower them to use it to advance precision medicine for others across the country and around the world. Gu’s experience in organizing massive amounts of data and connecting the individuals and enterprises that generate and use it is uniquely suited to executing this vision,” he added.

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