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When antibiotics are ineffective

When antibiotics are ineffective

The awareness week continues with antibiotics. The rate of inactivation or regimen of antibiotics is increasing, it is expected that in the future, people will have a devastating defeat of superb or antibiotic-resistant bacterial antibodies. Risky and misuse of antibiotics, the use of excessive use and sometimes low levels of use is responsible for this regression. For this, doctors, health workers, and general people will also be cautious.

* Remember that antibiotics do not work against the virus. It can only destroy bacteria. We are infected with various types of virus every day; Such as flu, diarrhea, cough-cough, tonsillitis or dysentery, dengue or chikungunya etc. Antibiotics have no role in these diseases. So do not be relieved to take antibiotics, such as fever, cough, colds. Especially the children's guardians forced the doctor to give antibiotics for quick cure or bought it from the store itself. This will bring terrible consequences.

* Antibiotics are specific to that problem. For example, antibiotics that work well in urinary tract can’t do it again in pneumonia. So be sure to use the specific antibiotics to be sure to check. In the name of treatment of diseases such as typhoid or tuberculosis, arthritic antibiotics are administered in the country without any examination, it should be controlled.

* An antibiotic full duration should be taken in full term. After a few days after fever or infection, many leave. Someone else, under age, eat full doses under full dose. Someone did not complete the course again and gave up occasionally. These are harmful.

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