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1.Digestive system
2.Local Hormones
3.Digestive glands
4.Salivary glands
5.Pancreas/Pancreatic Juice
6.Gastric Juice


It is a physiological process in which the complex fluid substances are converted into simple form suitable for absorption and their subsequent utilization in our body.
The organs which are associated with the process of digestion constitute digestive system. The different organ of digestive system are:

  1. ·       Mouth
  2. ·       Tongue
  3. ·       Oropharynx
  4. ·       Esophagus
  5. ·       Stomach
  6. ·       Small intestine
  7. ·       Large intestine
  8. ·       Colon
  9. ·       Rectum
  10. Anal canal

The additional organ of digestive system are teeth, Liver, Pancreases, Gall-bladder, Salivary glands, other digestive glands.

#Why digestive is necessary:
  • 1.    To convert complex food substance into simple form suitable for absorption and utilization.
  • 2.    Production of energy required for cell survivor vital cellular activities and metabolic function.
  • 3.    Growth and development of the body.
  • 4.    Repairing the damage tissue.
  • 5.    Reproductive function and lactation.
  • 6.    Storage of food for use in emergency condition.

Physiological function of digestive system:
  • 1.    Intake of food
  • 2.    Digestion of food substances
  • 3.    Secretion of various digestive juice.
  • 4.    Absorption of vitamins, minerals, and water.
  • 5.    Absorption of digestive and product of carbohydrate, protein, and fat.
  • 6.    Maintenance of water balance.
  • 7.    Maintenance of acid base balance.
  • 8.    Maintenance of electrolyte balance.
  • 9.    Regulation of pH balance.
  • 10  Regulation of blood sugar.
  • 11. Helps in the RBC production.
  • 12. Removal of Bacteria, Toxin.

Local Hormones
Local Hormones are chemically secreted by different digestive glands and show their physiological function on local or neighboring glands or tissue in our body.
Some local hormones with their sight of secretion and function are describe bellow:
  • 1.    Gastrin: Secreted by Stomach, small intestine.
  • 2.    Secretion: Secreted by pancreas.
  • 3.    Cholecystokinin: Secreted by gall bladder.
  • 4.    Pancreozymin: Secreted by pancreas.
  • 5.    Villikinin: Secreted by small intestine.
  • 6.    Interocrinin: Secreted by small intestine.
  • 7.    Enterogastrone: Secreted by stomach inhabit gastric secretion.

Digestive Glands
The important digestive glands are:
  • ·       Salivary glands.
  • ·       Gastric glands.
  • ·       Pancreas glands.
  • ·       Intestinal glands.
  • ·       Gall bladder secretion. 

Salivary Glands

There are three pair of Salivary glands. They are
1.Parotid glands(1-pair): Secretes ptyalin and serous types of secretion.
2.Sublingual glans(1-pair): Secretes mucous and serous types of secretion.
3.Submaxilury glands(1-pair): Secretes mucous and serous types of secretion.


It is a viscous colorless fluid which is secreted by three pairs of salivary glands. Small amount of saliva is also secreted by some buccal glands of mouth cavity
#Characteristics of Saliva:
          1.Total amount: 800-1500ml/day
          2.Reaction: Slightly acidic.
          3.pH: 6-7
          4.Gravity: 1.002-1.012

#Composition of Silva:
          1.Liquid substance: Water(99.5%)
          2.Solid substance: (0.5%)

#The solid substances are
          1.Inorganic: Na+, K+, Ca+, Cl-, CO2, O2, KHCO3, CaCO3 etc
          2.Organic: Mucin, Cholesterol, Amino acid, Enzymes, Ptyalin etc.

#Physiological function of Saliva:
          1.Keeps mouth moist and helps in speech.
          2.Helps in swallowing of food.
          3.Acts as lubricant.
          4.Prevents bacterial growth in mouth.
          5.Helps in teste of foods.
          6.Ptyalin helps in the digestion of carbohydrates.
          8.Helps in the excretion of toxin, heavy metal, bacteria.
          9.Maintanence of water, acid-base balance, electrolyte balance.
          10.helps in buffering activity.

Pancreatic Juice

Pancreas consists of two types
          1.Exoglands part.
          2.Endoglands part.
Exoglands part consists of acinar cells 98% of pancreas contains Acinar cells. They produce digestive juice or pancreatic juice.
Endoglands part is also called ISLET of Langerhans. Only 2% of pancreas belongs to ISLET of Langerhans. Endoglands part consist of 3 types of cells.

α-cell: α-cells are the largest cells of ISLET of Langerhams.25% ocells are α-cell and Secrets glucagon.

β-cell: β-cells are the smallest cells.60% of cells are β-cell and secretes Insuline.

δ-cell: δ-cells are intermediate in size.10% are δ-cell and secretes somatostatin.

          1.Amount: 800-1500ml/day
          2.Consistancy: colorless, odorless, less viscous.
          3.Reaction: strongly alkaline.
          5.Specific gravity: 1.010=1.030

#Physiological function of Pancreatic juice:
          1.Hepls in the digestion of carbohydrate, protein, and fats.
          2.Digestion of nucleoprotein.
          3.Maintanence of H2O balance.
          4.Maintanence of acid-base balance.
          5.Maintanence of electrolyte balance.

#Composition of pancreatic juice:
1.Inorganic substance: Water (98.5%)
2.Solid substance: (1.5%)

Solid substance consists of
a)Organic compound
b)Inorganic compound

Gastric Juice

Anatomy of gastric glands:
There are 3 types of gastric glands present in the stomach
          1.Cardiac-Secretes mucus.
          2.Pyloric-Secretes mucus and gastrin.
          3.Glands of body and fundus of stomach.

It consists of 4 types of cell:
a) Peptic cell/chief cell: This cell secrets large quantities pepsinogen and renin.
b) Oxytic /Parential cell: This cell secretes gastric HCL and intensive factor.
c)Mucus cell: Secretes mucus and pepsinogen.
d)Enterochromeffin cell: This cells secretes gastrin and serotonin.

#Characteristics of Gastric Juice:
          1.Total quantity: 500-600 ml/mea/1500ml/day
          2.Reaction: Strongly acidic.
          3.PH: 1-1.004
          4.Consistency: It is cloudy and sticky due to presence of mucin.
          5.Specific gravity: 1.002-1.004

Composition of Gastric Juice:
          1.Water: 99.5%
          2.Solid substance: 0.5%

#Physiological function of Gastric Juice:
          1.Digestive force: Gastric juice helps in the digestion of proteins and small amount of fat.
          2.Excretory function: Gastric juice helps  in the removal of toxins, heavy metals, certain drugs etc from our body.
          3.It contains HCL, which helps in the killing of bacteria.
          4.Lubricating activity.
          5.Maintanence of H2O balance.
          6.Maintanence of acid-base balance.
          7.Maintanence of electrolyte balance.

Intestinal Juice

It is secreted by intestinal gland, namely Brummer’s and Crypts of Lieberkühn.

#Characteristics of Intestinal Juice:
1.Total amount: 2 liter/day.
2.Reaction: Alkaline.
3.pH: 7.5-5.4
4.Specific Gravity: 1.50

#Composition of Intestinal Juice:
1.Water: 98.5%
2.Solid substance: 1.5%

#Solid substances are
a. Inorganic substance: Na+, K+, Ca+, Cl-, HCO3-
b. Organic substance:
1.Proteolytic enzymes
2.Carbohydrate splitting enzymes
3.Fat splitting enzymes
4.Mucin and intensive factor.

#Physiological function of Intestinal Juice:
1.Intestinal juice helps in the final digestion of carbohydrate, protein, and fat.
2.Protective function: Due to presence of mucin and bicarbonate, it helps in the protection of duodenum from the action of gastric HCL.
3.Maintanence of H2O balance.
4.Maintanence of acid-base balance.
5.Maintanence of electrolyte balance.
6.Intensive factor: helps in the absorption of vitamin B12 and thus helps in the formation of RBC.

Bile and Bile Secretion

# Characteristics:
1.total amount: 500-1000ml/day.
2.Color: Yellowish green.
3.Taste: Strongly bitter taste.
4.Reaction: Alkaline.
5. pH: Liver bile (7.6-7.8)
         Gall bladder bile (6.8-7.8)

Physiological function of bile:
1.Digestive function: Bile helps in the digestion of fats.
2.It is also helps in the absorption of fat from GIT.
3.Laxative function.
4.Excretory function: helps in the excretion of heavy metals, toxins, drugs, bacteria from our body.

The salts which are present in the human bile are bile salts.

The bile salts are:

The acidic substance which are present in human bile are known as bile acids.

Bile acids are:
Glycocholic acid.
Taurocholic acid.
Cholic acid.
Deoxy cholic acid.
Lethucholic acid.

Enolic acid.

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