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Pediatric Bronchiolitis

Pediatric Bronchiolitis

Children from less than two years of age have been infected with respiratory infection since the end of autumn till spring. Cough, respiratory failure. Studies have shown that cough and respiratory infections in this season are mostly pneumonia, rather than those with bronchiolitis.

It is viral disease. Germ is the RSD virus. Influenza-influenza, adeno, rhino, and microplasma also cause this disease. Fever, flux, coughing begins, acute respiratory symptoms occur on 4/5 days. According to the intensity, the disease has been divided into three categories:

1. Mild: Can not breathe breast milk or drink too much - the oxygen level is normal at 92%.

2. Medium: If you are eating, breathing is going to lower the amount of oxygen below 92%, but oxygen is available when it comes to normal.

3. Fatal: The chest mouth or the drink can not drink the lower part of the chest will give intense noise. Below oxygen level is 92% and oxygen has occasional benefits.

There is nothing to worry about bronchiolitis. After a certain time, There is no test to diagnose the disease. However, hospitalization may be needed. Because its main medical oxygen. Most cases do not require antibiotics.

Risky children may have complications; For example, those who are under 3 months of age, pregnant babies, low birth weight, or heart-borne children. It is contagious disease. Breathing with respiration or cirrhosis. Therefore, children from affected children should be kept separate.

Divisional Head, Department of Pediatric, Chittagong Medical College

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