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Thorium Problems

Thorium Problems

The thyroid gland is called the gland. It is arranged like a butterfly in the middle of Adams's apple in the middle of the throat. Thyroid hormone is derived from the thyroid gland.

If thyroid hormone is increased or decreased, then there are various types of problems in the body. Hyper thyroidism, hypothyroidism, thyroid tumor, cancer, etc. may occur in the thyroid gland.

If there is any problem in thyroid gland, then there are some symptoms. For example- feeling fatigue, endurance of strength, constipation, depression, changes in voice, sudden weight loss, sometimes too hot or cold feeling, hair fall, skin drying, muscle and bone pain, women Signs of menstrual problems etc.

However, it is possible to predict symptoms may only cause thyroid problems; But to find out what type of problem the thyroid gland has caused, according to the doctor's opinion, be sure to take proper examination and take treatment accordingly.

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