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Thousands of strong antibiotics

Thousands of strong antibiotics

The bacteria are getting stronger day by day. The drug does not work much. Because, the bacteria started to acquire some kind of drug resistant capability. Medical scientists are not able to solve this problem. Now a group of US scientists switched the design of an important antibiotic to make it much stronger. They claim, it will show a thousand times more effect than the old medicine. As a result, it is possible to suppress the most dangerous bacteria in the world.

The old medicine name is Vancomycin. Its new look is extremely difficult or very strong. Its preparation details have been published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences magazine. It says that new antibiotics fight against bacteria in three different ways. As a result, it is almost impossible to survive bacteria against it. However, the experiment to apply the medicine to animals and humans is still to be done.

The team of researchers from the Scripps Research Institute, which is involved in the study of antibiotics, hopes that they will be able to fully prepare the drug for five years after the next experiment.

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