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Heart will be password!

Heart will be password!

Forget about facial picnic or fingerprint computer identification technology. US researchers have recently invented a new computer security system, which can be used as a means of identifying the size of the human heart.

Original author of Baezzo University research paper, Wenyai Yu, assistant professor at Buffalo University in New York. His commentary, human heart disease is unique. Two people will not be mixed in the form of heartbreak. Generally, human heart rate is not changed. Sometimes it can change if there is severe heart rate.

Researchers claim that this method can be used in the use of smartphones as well as airport security. It's safer than a safe and conventional password or other biometric method. Those who are aware of privacy or personal security, want to bring this method to their computer.

The researcher Yu said, logging out or logging repeatedly is annoying. For others, computers can not be used to log in, this method uses a low level dropper radar, which can monitor the heart. It takes eight seconds to initialize heart problems. The system can then detect heart disease easily.

In October, experts from the United States will be presenting research at the 23rd conference of Mobile Computing and Communication (MobiCon).

The researcher Yu said that the signal strength in the radar system created by them is less than that of Wi-Fi, it does not create a risk for humans. They have been working for three years to build it. This method works by analyzing the size, structure and movements of the heart. References: IANS

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